# Formatting
Basic types of formatting are headings, paragraphs, lists, links and emphasis. Formatting is important because it gives us visual cues on hierarchy and how ideas fit together. Good formatting helps the reader understand a topic faster and focus on sections of content that are more important to the reader.
# Headings
Headings help readers find information they want and help people understand how information fits together. Integrating headings into your writing can help people get to the information they need more quickly by:
- Breaking up information into smaller chunks
- Keeping your thoughts organized
- Helping readers skim and get a broad understanding of your document
# Lists
Lists help readers skim. Incorporating lists will help readers follow detailed instructions.
There are bulleted lists and ordered lists. Use the correct type for what it is you are trying to achieve. If sequence matters, use an ordered list 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc., if order does not matter opt for a simple bulleted list.
# Links
Links should be descriptive telling you the action and result of what will happen if the link is clicked. Examples are “Download the Waiver”, “Apply Online”, “Read the District Policy”, etc. Avoid generic hyperlink labels like “Click Here” or “Follow this link”.
# Emphasis
To emphasize text, use either the italics or the bold features. Use italics for gentle emphasis and bold for a stronger one. Always use them independently and use them sparingly. When everything is important, nothing is.
Do not use ALL CAPS to emphasize. All caps on the web typically denotes yelling. Also, using all caps disrupts the flow of reading making all content harder to read.