# Videos
Videos can be a powerful tool to communicate ideas and stories. It can be challenging to make videos have lasting relevance. It is easier to go in and edit a few lines of text than to try and recreate scenes or edit video in production software. Consider the commitment when adding videos to your messages.
# Requirements for a video
# Video Storage
Our websites do not allow videos to be uploaded. Instead, videos should be uploaded to the school's YouTube or MyVRSpot account. The URL of the video will be used to add the video to your message in the CommCenter.
# Captions
All videos must be captioned. Videos that are captioned receive a higher watch rate than those that are not. Captioning videos allows people with disabilities to access the content provided in the video. Auto captioning is a good start, but it must be reviewed by a person and updated where mistranslation has occurred.
# Additional Considerations
- Videos are covered by copyright. Do not use videos that we do not have explicit permission to use.
- Do not use videos with a portrait orientation.
- Video hosting services such as YouTube and MyVRSpot have tools to caption your videos. Make sure you review the captioning and correct any errors prior to posting your video.
# Using a Video as a Background on a Homepage
# Use Video Backdrops Cautiously
Using a background video instead of a picture as a homepage background can be a very engaging experience for visitors. However, the constant use of video can also be overwhelming for the visitor. An exciting or emotional video clip will eventually become ignored over time, and the added visual stimulus of the video can be distracting from the main content being presented.
# Have a Purpose
The use of a video on a homepage should have a specific purpose. For example, near the end of the school year, we will typically place a graduation video backdrop on high school homepages. This serves to call attention to end-of-year graducation ceremonies as well as celebrate students' accomplishments.
Similarly, a video background could be used early in the calendar year when School Choice decisions are being made. A well crafted video that illustrates the school's culture and programs may serve to convince families that the school is the right choice for their student.
Videos used in this way are typically displayed only for a limited time, typically 2-4 weeks.
# Video Homepage Considerations
- Videos, especially when new, are very attention getting. Perhaps even distracting. If your video doesn't serve a pupose, the main content of the page will be diluted or ignored.
- Our video templates present videos in a large format, covering most of the available screen area. Videos must be of high-enough quality to withstand compression while still looking sharp and stutter-free.
- Backgroud videos should be no more than 30 seconds long and have no intro or exit messaging or logos.
- Video backdrops should generally be cycled with static images. This is a quick visual indicator to the visitor that content is changed.